
Sharing thoughts, facts, ideas, and best practices for business owners of all kinds.


What is PCI Compliance

Are you wondering… what is PCI compliance? Don’t worry—you’re not alone. If you’re a small business owner, PCI compliance is considerably among the most important things you should know about. Why? Because it actually plays a major, important role in your business. In fact: If you’re in a business that…

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PCI Standards

What is the PCI standard and how does your business comply with it? Yes, if you are in business, there are certain PCI standards that you need to observe. Otherwise, you might end up paying for losses (that you don’t really deserve). You might end up being penalized with hefty…

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PCI DSS Compliance

Do you know what PCI DSS Compliance means? If not, don’t worry. Many business owners don’t know a lot about it, as well. However, let me tell you now: With the business landscape we have at this moment—PCI Compliance is something that we business owners should have a deeper understanding…

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PCI Compliance

If you are in business, PCI compliance can either make or break your game. Yes—it’s that important. Why? Well, primarily because if you don’t comply with this requirement, you might end up losing money. A lot of money. Now, tell me frankly: Have you ever heard what PCI compliance is…

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PCI Compliance Checklist

One of the most important things you need to do when setting up your business to accept payment card transactions is ensure you have checked everything off your PCI compliance checklist. It’s crucial, really! Don’t have a PCI compliance checklist yet? You need to have one. Whether it is an…

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PCI Compliant

What the heck does PCI even mean? Why should I care or waste my time on it? I’m a small business owner. This can’t possibly apply to me, can it? All very good questions every business owner has to ask themselves at one point or another. In order to determine…

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PCI Council

The world of payment processing is complicated and is constantly under security threats, which is why the PCI Council is so important. The PCI Council is actually the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council and it was founded in 2006. This PCI SSC was organized to help the Payment Card…

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PCI Definition

What is the PCI definition? What the heck is it? As a small business owner, why do I need to know what it is? What importance does it hold for me? These are all very good questions every small business owner needs to ask themselves. If you aren’t familiar with…

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PCI Security Standards

As a small business owner, it is important you be aware of and are adhering to PCI Security Standards. In fact, it’s beyond important. It’s like how automobile insurance is required for every vehicle owner, but it’s actually insurance for all business owners. There is an obvious need for security…

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ISO Agent Program

Partner With The Best.

The world of payments is rapidly changing in front of our eyes. Massive consolidation is happening at a record pace, and this will inevitably impact your business as a merchant services agent.